Log Horizon Wiki

The stronghold of Akiba faces a new threat: a mighty goblin army! In their efforts to rebuild the city, the adventurers of Elder Tales had neglected important quests, and now they reap the consequences. With the revelation that in-game death leads to memory loss of the real world, the stakes have never been higher. And will cutthroat politics destroy tenuous new alliances before the real battle even begins?
—Yen Press summary

Game's End, Part 2 is the fourth volume of the Log Horizon light novel series and covers the Return of the Goblin King arc.


Chapter 1: The Return of the Goblin King

Chapter 2: A Lazy, Coward Princess

Chapter 3: Expeditionary Force

Chapter 4: Chase That Back

Chapter 5: Contract


Log Horizon

Crescent Moon Alliance


League of Freedom Cities Eastal


