Log Horizon Wiki

Woodworker is one of the production subclasses in Elder Tale. [1]


The Woodworker subclass enables players to create a variety of wood items from raw material. They have a wide range of crafts from tools, equipment to furniture as long as they are made of wood. For example, Crescent Moon Alliance guild master Marielle uses this subclass to create small wooden accessories for her guild members.

The majority of the People of the Earth lives in villages and towns that rarely have magical devices so Woodworkers and Blacksmiths are the one creating most of the tools used in their daily life. Those two subclasses are almost always found in places that are larger than a village. Since the Catastrophe, the demand for furniture has grown bigger so the number of Woodworkers has slightly increased from then.

Adventurers can easily get this subclass by clearing some quests from the Master Craftsman[職人 の 親方 or “Master of the Craftsmen”, unsure if it’s the same quest-giver as the Master Artificer as the kanjis are different]. Like the Blacksmith and other artisans, a Woodworker can develop the Overskill of Magical Engineering and create devices that were not previously available in Elder Tale. The quality of the final product will thus depend on the taste and the actual skill of the crafter.

Known Woodworkers[]

Related Subclasses[]


  1. Log Horizon Database, https://lhrpg.com/lhz/i?id=1678