Log Horizon Wiki

The Ancients (古来種, Koraishu?, also known as the Precursors) are special People of the Earth that are even stronger than Adventurers of an equivalent level.

Most Ancients are members of the Thirteen Global Chivalric Orders, and in game era, served as quest-givers or temporary allies. Some of Elder Tale's time-sensitive events, if not cleared in time, will "summon" the server's Order to "clear" the event in place of the Adventurers. While most of the Ancients are the "heroes" of the game's storyline, there are mentions in lore of Ancients who became corrupted.

By the time of the Catastrophe, most of the Ancients have been killed or sealed by the Genius. There are now less than 100 remaining Ancients in Theldesia.[1]


How the Ancients came about is a mystery, with only several theories behind them. All that is known is that they first began appearing when Earthlings in the continent of Yured (Eurasia) traveled to the Land of Wen (America). Despite the presence of Demi-human monsters even there, because of the Earthlings' faith, the Ancients were "born".[2]

There are cases of both Ancients being born during ancient times and being created by a rite of passage.[3] Some Ancients are born among regular Earthlings as spontaneous mutations. Regardless of their origin, most of them have split ways with regular Earthlings due to their overwhelming power that alienated them from Earthling society, and a majority of Ancients become aware of their status during times of pain and sorrow. As a result, many Ancients feel a sense of isolation and have agreed not to lend their power to individual causes.[4]

However, not even the superior power of the Ancients was able to completely stop the monsters, since the monsters would simply respawn over and over again. Because of this, the Earthlings used a spell that summoned Adventurers.

Adventurers, Earthlings, Ancients and Monsters all have their souls appear in a different shade of color. In an Ancient's case, their soul would appear purple.


  • Elias Hackblade - The "hero" of Elder Tale's lore and a member of the Red Branch Knights. After the Catastrophe, he was saved by Kanami and joins her party.
  • Ling Xiangfeng - A famous Ancient on the Chinese server.
  • Saria Arisaria (サリア=アリサリア?)[5]
  • Lugrius - (formerly) actually a Raid Boss in the game, his cursed sword is picked up by a Royal Guard, causing the Guard to gain Lugrius' abilities.[6]
  • Youren - A woman on the Zhongyuan Server who claims to be a surviving Ancient. She turns out to be Papus' new disguise.
  • Lelia Mofur and Litka Mofur - The infamous "Useless Sisters of Izumo," they featured in several quests and were said to be the co-founders of the Knights of Izumo in the game world. Phased out of the game after the level cap was raised beyond their level of 65, they come back during the events of volume 13 to warn the Akiba Adventurers of the threat that the incoming Genius Eirenus poses.


  1. Log Horizon Database, Thirteen Global Chivalric Orders https://lhrpg.com/lhz/i?id=1452
  2. Log Horizon 3, Chapter 4
  3. https://twitter.com/loghorizon_TRPG/status/751034485773176832
  4. Log Horizon light novel: Volume 9, Chapter 4
  5. Mamare's Notes
  6. Log Horizon light novel: Volume 6